Friday 6th SEPTEMBER. Meet at Dorset Gardens Hotel at 9.30 a.m. for an easy ride – no hills!
Please let me know if you can make it.
John Wicks – Convenor. ( See Club List or Newsletter for contact details )
Recyclables meets at 9:30am on the first Friday of the month. All rides are on bicycle paths and we prefer downhill to uphill. However, as we start and finish in the same place, Newton’s reverse law applies : “What goes down, must come up.” Still we take our time and hills are kept to a minimum.
Usually we ride for about an hour, stop for coffee at a cafe then cycle back to the start, finishing around midday. Often we wind down over lunch.
New….or old cyclists are most welcome to join us. All you need is a bike. Details of each ride are on this website and in the club’s newsletter.